Kuinka voimme auttaa?



What size should I buy?

All products have different sizes. Therefore, if you have never used a product of the same brand, it is important that you check the size guide available on each product page. If you are still in doubt, contact us and we will help you.

Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order until it has been shipped from our warehouse. If your order is a "stock" order, it is free of charge.

If you have made a pre-order, you can cancel your order free of charge until we have purchased your product from one of our suppliers. If you want to cancel after this point, we charge a handling fee of SEK 250.

To cancel your order, contact our customer service at kontakt@merchsweden.se

What is a pre-order?

A pre-order can be made when we do not have the product in our Västerås warehouse. When your order arrives, we immediately start looking for your order with our suppliers. When we find the shoes, you will be notified and when the shoes have arrived at our warehouse, the shoes will be sent directly to you.

You can read more about pre-orders here .

Delivery & return

All of our delivery takes place more BudBee, Instabox and Postnord.

What is the delivery time?

Delivery time for an order is 2-5 working days, for pre-orders delivery time is usually 7-21 working days. ATTENTION! When pre-ordering, delivery may take longer than 21 working days.

How do returns work?

Of course! For orders sent with Postnord, return by contacting us at kontakt@merchsweden.se. You will then receive a delivery note attached to you via e-mail, which you can then print at home or at the agent.

For orders sent with Instabox & BudBee, you return via their portals on the respective apps or websites.

When returning, the customer is responsible for the return shipping cost of SEK 80.